Carbon Calculator

How many kilowatt hours (kWh) per month does your office use?

The average 8 person office uses about 920 kWh per month. Add 60 kWh for each additional full time person

How many thousands of cubic feet (Mcf) in natural gas per month does your office consume?

The average 8 person office uses 4 Mcf per month. Add .5 mcf for each additional full time person

How many gallons of gasoline does your office expend each month?

The average 8 person office uses 40 gallons of gas. Add 5 gal for each additional automobile commuter, add 10 gal. for each person working the field and subtract 5 for each public transportation user.

How many gallons of petrol-diesel does your office expend each month?

The average office receives 8 deliveries per month which consumes 40 gallons of petro-diesel. Add 5 gal each additional delivery

How many pounds (Lbs) of trash are disposed/unrecycled?

The average 8 person office disposes of 64 lbs of trash. Add 8 lbs for each additional full time person

How many Lbs of unrecycled paper are used?

The average 8 person office uses 50 lbs of paper. Add 5 lbs for each additional full time person. Reduce this figure by 75% for recycled paper.

How many unrecycled toner cartridges are used?

The average 8 person office uses 2 toner cartridges per month. Add .25 cartridges for each additional full time person

How many gallons of bottled water are used?

The average 8 person office consumes 32 gallons of bottled water. Add 4 gal for each additional full time person.

How many times each month is bottled water delivered each month?


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